Seawheat - COST Action SME meeting was organized at the University of Latvia on September 27 - 28, 2023. Professor Muki Shpigel from the University of Haifa, Israel chaired this insightful event, and Dr. Karina Balina University of Latvia, Circularity Transitions Research group organized it. Here are some key highlights:

Participants included experts in various aspects of seaweed research, from cultivation to marketing and regulation. We discussed vital topics and insights:
Public Perception and Market Acceptance: Explored challenges related to public perception, including negative images of Ulva in some European countries. Emphasized the need for economic sustainability studies.
Marketing Strategies: Discussed strategies for marketing seaweed products and the importance of finding the right partners in the food industry.
Collaboration Between Academia and SMEs: Explored the challenges and successes of collaboration, emphasizing trust, availability, and funding as essential factors.
Research and Development Opportunities: Discussed research funding challenges and the need for streamlined processes.
Private Forum and Communication: Explored the idea of a private forum for communication and decided to create a LinkedIn channel for further discussion.
Legislation and Regulation: Highlighted the need for clear legislation for seaweed cultivation, with variations in different countries.
Looking to the Future: Discussed the potential growth of the seaweed industry and the belief that seaweed will soon be a common ingredient in kitchens.
It was an informative meeting that brought together experts from academia and industry to address the challenges and opportunities in the seaweed sector.
This event received financial support from the EU COST Action SEAWHEAT: "TOMORROW’S “WHEAT OF THE SEA”: ULVA, A MODEL FOR AN INNOVATIVE MARICULTURE SEAWHEAT (CA20106)".
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.