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Research mobility at the London South Bank University (LSBU)

Our colleague Jeļena Ziemele has just returned from her research mobility at the London South Bank University (LSBU). Jelena wants to thank Prof. Graeme Maidment and his group for providing a very warm welcome and being wonderful hosts for her research mobility. It was a pleasure to meet everyone, exchange experiences and share knowledge through various discussions and research workshops. This was a very valuable and inspirational time for gaining a better understanding of the different decarbonisation solutions of the district heating (DH) system. It was very interesting to visit DH company Citigen E.ON London, which provides district heating, electricity, and cooling to the highly populated part of London and get acquainted with the company's sustainability strategy, which was presented by Antony Meanwell.

Special thanks to Henrique Lagoeiro, Aya Heggy, Matt Wegner, Kristina Roszynski, Sara Watkins, and Eshagh Goudarzi for the introduction of the LSBU environment and work in it.

Research is supported by the European Regional Development Fund within project No. “Decision Support Tool for Decarbonisation Assessment of District Heating Systems”.


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