The Metabolic Pathway Analysis (MPA) conference in Riga was held in 2019, right before COVID-19 outbreak. The next conference (MPA2021) was organized by Cong Trinh at the University of Tennessee in 2021 when travel to the USA was still prohibited due to infection.
Therefore, the long-awaited restriction-free MPA2023 conference in Seoul was awaiting guests. The conference was perfectly organised by Dong-Yup Lee at Sungkynkwan University.

Our group was represented at the conference by Anna Stikāne, Kristaps Bērziņš and Egils Stalidzāns. Each of us presented our own posters to different target audiences. Egils had a chance to present the sustainable metabolic engineering concept during a talk. Egils also chaired a session “Application of systems/synthetic biology and metabolic engineering”.
The cultural program was quite intensive too. We visited palaces and older parts of Seoul. The conference dinner location offered a very spectacular view of a valley.

It was decided that the next conference will be organized in Vienna in 2025 by Juergen Zanghellini.