Joint OpenMultiMed-VPHi workshop on Multiscale Modelling in Systems Medicine was held 6.-7. February 2020 in Liege, Belgium.
Physiological Human institute (VPHi) was represented by Executive Director Prof. Liesbet Geris while OpenMultiMed COST action was represented by the Working Group 2 (Multiscale modelling) leader Prof. Egils Stalidzans. In addition Latvia was represented by Janis Kurlovics from our group and Prof. Juris Viksna from Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia.
During the workshop we have learned about number of initiatives carried out by VPHi towards implementation of in silico in different tests and approval procedures of therapies and medical devices.
Break-out sessions were organised on topics
How to raise the bar for publication of models, practical reproducibility, standards for verification and validation
Bridging from molecular to physiological and physiological to molecular
Integration of data science and mechanistic multiscale modeling
Computational modeling of multiscale biomolecular networks
There are plans to summarize results of the workshop in a joint manuscript.