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First Estonian Zero Waste Conference

Our colleague Raimonda Soloha attended the First Estonian Zero Waste Conference on September 14, 2022, in Tallinn. The conference was organized by the Let’s Do It Foundation and Tallinn University within the European Commission Erasmus+ funded project Building a European Zero Waste Academy (BEZWA).

The conference consisted of various workshops. Raimonda attended “Why is data at the core of zero waste” and “Role of the education system in zero waste skills development”. Participation in workshops improved her knowledge of the importance of data collection and analysis for assessing and justifying the implementation of zero-waste principles, as well as the role of the education system in developing skills in circular economy and environmental education. Networking with other conference participants allowed Raimonda to find out what problems others are working on and look for potential future collaborations.

Photo: Silver Gutmann

The conference location was Tallinn University. It was interesting to see that at the university it is possible to sort biodegradable waste and packaging waste. Recycling instructions were provided next to each bin.

Tallinn Waste site in Paljassaare (managed by Tallin Waste Center), Deposit System Manager Pandipakend and Reuse centre Uuskasutuskeskus were visited on September 13. These site visits provided insights into how Estonia is climbing up the waste management hierarchy to avoid landfilling.

More information about the conference can be found on the Let’s Do It Foundation's website.

More information about the BEZWA project:


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