With lots of valuable insights and knowledge, our colleague Elina Dace has returned from the first ever Summer school on absolute environmental sustainability assessment.

The course was organized and run by Anders Bjørn and Michael Hauschild bringing together 38 students from different countries. The course programme counted exciting guest lectures on LCA, sustainable development, planetary boundaries, degrowth, doughnut economy and more from Jørgen Bendtsen, Inge Røpke, Mikołaj Owsianiak, Morten Walbech Ryberg, Martin Marchman Andersen, Troels Kærgaard Bjerre, Tobias Lung, Oscar K. Sabag Muñoz, Jacob Rask, Thomas Fruergaard Astrup, Daniela Pigosso, Rebecca Rutt, Charlotte Louise Jensen.
The summer school "Absolute environmental sustainability assessment of production and consumption in a systems perspective" was organized by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Centre for Absolute Sustainability.

Elina’s participation in the summer school was supported by the European Regional Development Fund within her post-doctoral research project «Decision Support Tool for an Integrated Food Waste Valorisation System (DeSTInation)» (project No.
