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Biomodelling Spring 2018

The BioModelling Spring 2018 program is available here:

Our group has used many opportunities of training courses, workshops and conferences made by our colleagues. Now we want to contribute to the interaction of modeler’s and biologist’s communities by giving opportunity to meet once a year in Riga. We want to give a stage to the developers and users of different systems biology, systems medicine and synthetic biology modeling approaches to present their newest software, results and application examples.

We organized Biomodelling Spring Riga in collaboration with COST action OpenMultiMed on May 15 17, 2018. Our main guest lecturer is Dr. Jürgen Pahle from Center for Modelling and Simulation in the Biosciences (BIOMS) and Center for Quantitative Analysis of Molecular and Cellular Biosystems (BioQuant), Heidelberg University, Germany.

The main topic of the course is software COPASICOmplex PAthway SImulator.


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