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BioHeme project comes to the University of Latvia with an informative seminar

BioHeme project (funded by ERDF, Nr. "The development of an efficient pilot-scale leghemoglobine production technology, based on recombinant Pichia pastoris and Kluyveromyces lactis fed-batch fermentations (BioHeme)” is organising an informative seminar in collaboration with our group to disseminate the results of the project to other scientific institutions and the public.

The project goal is to develop effective fed-batch fermentation and scale-up techniques for the production of plant-based meat substitutes, utilizing a recombinant LegH (leghemoglobine) producing strain of Pichia pastoris and Kluyveromyces lactis.

The seminar will take place on November 15 at 11:00 at the House of Nature of the University of Latvia (room 324, 3rd floor).

The seminar program is available here:


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