Nordic-Baltic-Russian Academic Network in Bioinformatics (2005 – 2007)
Project No. 177102/V11
Source of funding: The Research Council of Norway, Nordplus Neighbour
Project period: 2005 – 2007
Project coordinator: I. Arhipova (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava, Latvia)
Project coordinator from our group: Professor Egils Stalidzans (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava, Latvia)
Project objective:
The aim of the cooperation is the development of Nordic-Baltic-Russian network in the bioinformatics field, to promote higher education study courses or programs for MSc students.
Its proposed effect is the development of 2-years joint MSc programme and related research based at the Latvia University of Agriculture in the field of bioinformatics.
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (since 2007 part of Copenhagen University)
Norwegian university of Life sciences (Lars Snipen)
University of Tartu (Tonu Kollo)
Lituanian Veterinary Academy (Ilona Miceikiene)
Lithuanian University of Agriculture (Algimantas Kurlavicius)
Three international short intensive courses on Biology, Biological data analysis and Bioinformatics were held in Jelgava, Tartu and Kaunas.
Curricula of 2-years joint MSc programme and related research based at the Latvia University of Agriculture in the field of bioinformatics is drafted.