Development of algorithmic models and analysis for description of biological and software systems (2010 - 2012)
Project No. 2009/0207/1DP/
Source of funding: Latvian Council of Science
Project period: 01.01.2010. – 31.12.2012.
Project budget: 68 000 EUR (17 000 EUR for CSBG)
Project coordinator: Juris Viksna, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Latvia
Project coordinator from our group: Professor Egils Stalidzans (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava, Latvia)
Project objective:
Analysis of the evolution dynamics of biochemical network structure modeling changes of genome sequence (mutations, insertions, deletions and others) that influence interactions between systems elements.
Biosystems Group, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Egils Stalidzans)
BINESA (BIochemical NEtwork Structure Analyser) is a standalone software tool developed for evolution modelling of biochemical network structure founded on evolutionary changes of underlying artificial genome. This software tool is written in Visual Basic programming language and developed for Windows operating system using Microsoft Access. BINESA has database for storing of network structure and artificial genome data. This tool provides the exploration of the evolution dynamics of biochemical network structure, supports SBML and GML models import and export, allows visualization of the network structure in graph form visually marking out the reactions of different importance and perform a topological analysis of the biochemical network structure.